Engaging our community, one talk at a time!
Brought to you by the PAA Board and CretaAutentica
“Crete,” I murmured, “Crete! And my heart beat fast.”
Nikos Kazantzakis, Zorba The Greek
The PAA is introducing a new member benefit called PAATalks! These online 30 minute programs will be offered the 4th Wednesday of every month at 6:00 p.m. PST. These new PAATalks! will engage our members with new information about what is happening with the PAA with knowledgeable speakers who will engage members. Joining online is easy. CLICK HERE to register and you will be sent a link to join us. Join us once or join us for all of the discussions. We are respectful of people’s time constraints so we will end these programs in 30 minutes. Enter a drawing to win a gift (or gift card) during each session from our co-sponsor Creta Autentica! (
September 24, 2024–PAA300 Program
Kostas Katsohirakis
October 23, 2024–Topic to be determined
If you missed our programs, you can view them on Youtube below:
CLICK HERE to view the January 24 presentation on Scholarship and Membership.
CLICK HERE to view the February 21st program--PAA Cultural Programs and Summer Activities in Crete open to members
CLICK HERE to view the March 20th Program on the PAA Mentor Program