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Dr. Sophia Papasifakis Masters
Cretan Alumni Network Chair

The Cretan Alumni Network (CAN) was developed several years ago to re-engage members of the PYA/PAA who may have been active members in their youth but have not been able to fully participate in PAA activities.  The mission of CAN is to bring back individuals into the PAA.  To this end, CAN develops programs/activities that appeal to this population base.  The goal of the committee is to develop future leaders of the PAA, to enhance its membership, to develop innovative and creative programs that address our young professionals/entrepreneurs and to support the mission of the PAA. 

Over the past several years, we have held a number of reunion events at PAA/PYA events.  We have been working on national philanthropic projects to encourage nationwide participation.  Our most recent project was a crowd funding campaign to deliver medical supplies to Crete.  The campaign raised funds for two full containers of medical supplies to be sent to Crete in conjunction with the IOCC.  In the past we created a professional directory, which was fee based to encourage PAA members to patronize these businesses. In addition, the PAA underwrites at least one CAN reunion event (free to all PAA members attending) at each PAA convention (usually held after the local chapter’s picnic).  The event encourages all CAN members to participate in a fun-filled evening that reunites Cretans from around the world and outlines the programs that the PAA has to offer.

With the use of social media (Facebook, LinkedIn—these should be linked), the Cretan Alumni Network reaches out to its membership throughout the year and encourages members to take part in all that the PAA has to offer (Scholarships, Philanthropy, Mentor Program, etc). 

 Please Note:  There are no separate dues for CAN participation.  We strongly encourage everyone to become a member of your local PAA Chapter.  

Mission of Cretan Alumni Network as listed in the PAA Constitution

The mission of the Cretan Alumni Network of the Pancretan Association of America (PAA) is to carry out the initiative to bring back individuals into the PAA who were active PAA participants in their younger years, but may no longer be members or active members for various reasons., by providing an environment for Cretan American young professionals to share and exchange ideas in a social, cultural and educational setting in order to promote the values and heritage of their Cretan culture.