Culture & Education
Mr. Andreas Batakis, Chair
Cultural and Educational Program:
Read about our PAA Cultural and Educational Grants for PAA Chapters and Districts below:
• To promote and develop social ethnic and cultural relationships and mutuality among all Cretans and their descendants residing in the United States and Canada.
• To promote and develop education through scholarships and otherwise to raise voluntary contribution and funds and to distribute such funds to legally recognized philanthropic institutions and educational, charitable, or cultural purposes.
• To promote throughout the world, and especially in the United States of America, a better and more comprehensive understanding of Crete and its history and culture.
It is clear that it is our obligation towards our chapters and their members as well as towards all Greeks in USA in general, to find ways to bring the splendor of our culture and values closer to their homes.
For more information and the application form:
PAA Cultural and Educational Grants and Guidelines 2024-2025
The Pancretan Association of America, in coordination with all chapters, has presented a series of events dedicated to the splendor of our culture and heritage. These events have included live theater, concerts, stand up comedy, presentations on Erotokritos, Kazantzakis and on the history of the Church of Crete, just to name a few.
We continue to connect older generations, the "protopouri", with their origins and to inspire younger generations to keep the Cretan traditions alive in their daily lives.
Click on an image below to see more information on events and media organized over the years by the Culture and Education Committee: