Membership Benefits
Founded in 1929, the Pancretan Association of America (PAA) is a longstanding cultural, educational, and philanthropic organization dedicated to preserving the heritage of Crete. Our membership comprises individuals with roots on the island of Crete, Greece. Annual membership dues are $30.00 per individual. Additional Chapter dues may apply.
Member Benefits:
--Bi-monthly magazine KPHTH (one of the longest running and highly regarded printed cultural magazines in the United States)
--Graduate and undergraduate scholarship opportunities for youth members who have been members for a minimum of two years.
--PAA Mentor Opportunity
--PAA Cultural Programs offered in person and online throughout the year
--PAA Philanthropic Programs that benefit programs in the US, Greece and Crete
--Monthly PAATalks! 30 minutes Podcasts sponsored by Creta Autentica
--Invitations to events throughout the US and Crete.
--Excursions to Crete for members (not an annual program)
--Bi-Annual conventions in the United States and in Crete
--Cultural opportunities with summer programs in Crete. Discover the PAA/PYA 2024 Summer Activities in Crete photo albums..
--Pancretan Endowment Fund-benefits the: Univ. of Crete, University Press, Botanical Garden & more
--Member of the World Council of Cretans (annual events take place in Crete)
--Member of the Eleftherios Venizelos Foundation (annual events in Crete)
--Support and Honor PAA veterans who have served the United States and Greece --Veterans Affairs -- PAA
--Opportunity to serve on the PAA National Board and be a delegate at the bi-annual conventions
--If you are 15 to 30 years old, you can join the Pancretan Youth Association ($19). PYA Upcoming Events
Members cherish the opportunity to connect with Cretans from around the world, forming lasting friendships. The PAA provides a platform to maintain their Cretan heritage, share it with future generations, and experience immense pride. And, of course, members enjoy a wonderful time at our Cretan events.
Nikos Kazantzakis in Report to Greco said it best:
“There is a kind of flame in Crete - let us call it "soul" - something more powerful than either life or death. There is pride, obstinacy, valor, and together with these something else inexpressible and imponderable, something which makes you rejoice that you are human being, and at the same time tremble."
QUESTIONS? Email PAA VP of Membership, George Tsoutsounakis (CMT) at